If you are using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint, to get the full benefit you will need to add at least one symbol set.
As an example, I will show you how to download and use the large and free Arasaac symbol set.
Follow on in the video above, or follow the steps below:
- In the Commtap Symboliser group, click on “Preferences”.
- In the box, click on “Get more symbols”. This takes you to the “Symbol Sets” page on the Commtap Symboliser website.
- Scroll down to “Arasaac Symbols” and click on the link to get it from the Commtap resources website. You can also download it from Arasaac – but this version includes more words. The symbol set can be used for non-commercial purposes.
- Scroll down and click on download.
- Choose to save the file. This may take a few minutes.
- Find the file you downloaded. Right click on it and choose “Extract all…” and then “Extract”. This will take a minute or two.
- Move the new folder called “Arasaac colour” (not the zip file) to somewhere safe on your computer.
- Go back to PowerPoint. In the Symboliser preferences box, click on “Create Word List from Folder”.
- Browse to the folder you just copied. Click on OK, and then on OK again: this tells PowerPoint where to find all the picture symbols in the set you just downloaded.
- Enable the new symbol list by clicking in the box next to its name. Close the preferences box.
- You can now symbolise words using the new symbol set.